


Adventurer Originals

We're Adventurers


Available funds to fuel the next adventure


Apply for funding

Contribute to the fund

Dreamt of an outdoor adventure but held back by finances? We're here to fuel your journey. Apply for Adventurer Fund today and step into the extraordinary world of nature. Let's make your adventure dream come true. Your extraordinary story awaits... Are you ready?

Believe in the power of adventure and want to make a difference? Be a part of the Adventurer Fund. Your contribution – whether it's funds, knowledge, or gear – can help transform lives through incredible outdoor experiences. You have the power to enable someone's dream journey. Help us create more unforgettable stories... Ready to make a real impact?

Recent Adventures


Uvita, Costa Rica - An amazing hike to the waterfall

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Uvita, Costa Rica - An amazing hike to the waterfall


Uvita, Costa Rica - An amazing hike to the waterfall

Our Apparel - Adventurer Originals

Our line of sustainable, adventure-ready apparel, is the lifeblood of the Adventurer Fund. This isn't a casual mention on the Adventurer Fund's website; it's a testament to our intertwined commitment to supporting and empowering a community of adventure seekers. Every piece in our collection is made from organic materials, produced in a sustainable and eco-friendly manner.

A significant 50% of the profit from each Adventurer Originals purchase flows directly into the fund. This allows us to finance more journeys and turn dreams into reality. Your choice does more than just elevate your style - it's an investment in the dreams of fellow adventurers and a stand for preserving the wilderness we all love.

By shopping Adventurer Originals, you contribute to a wider movement aimed at enabling life-changing outdoor adventures. Your purchase makes a real difference, creating opportunities for all who seek adventure and connection with nature.

Don't just stand by - be part of this vibrant community. Explore Adventurer Originals now. Remember, your choice is powerful - 50% of our profit fuels the Adventurer Fund. Your next unforgettable journey might be just a click away!

Join We're Adventurers

We're Adventurers" is more than a community - it's a vision for a comprehensive learning platform that will eventually brim with courses and resources tailored for every adventurer's needs. From survival skills to outdoor cooking, from gear selection to trip planning - we're working on building it all.

As a growing service, we're offering a significant discount for early adopters. Sign up now, and you'll lock in a lifetime subscription at a lower rate. As we add more resources and the community grows, we'll gradually increase the membership fee. However, the price you sign up with today is the price you'll pay for as long as you're a member.

Your subscription not only grants access to this wealth of information and a network of like-minded individuals, but it also contributes to the Adventurer Fund. That's right, you'll be helping to fund dreams and transform lives with every month of your membership.

As a member of "We're Adventurers", you'll also have the unique opportunity to learn from the adventures sponsored by the Adventurer Fund. We'll be sharing detailed information about these journeys, allowing our members to embark on the same adventures with all the information they need at their fingertips.

Welcome to "We're Adventurers". Together, we're making the world our playground and building a treasure trove of knowledge for everyone to benefit from.

Our Community - We're Adventurers

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